


A one-of-a-kind farm that operates a recycling-oriented agriculture. Ark Tategamori is located on a plateau in the southern part of Iwate Prefecture, rich in nature. As a member of the project team, MIDORIS was in charge of concept and statement development as well as logo and VI design for the farm's major renovation. In the course of co-creation branding in the form of workshops, we proposed a renewal of the former name "Ark Tategamori Farm," and a new name "Ark Tategamori" was born as a brand rooted in the community that connects agriculture to the next generation, 100 years into the future. The new logo, which expresses the concept "Food is Life," is used in various tools and communications at the farm.

Year : 2023
Category : Branding (Concept, Naming, Logo, Name Card, Envelope)
Client : 株式会社アーク
Architect : 栗生明+北川・上田総合計画 株式会社

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